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Woven Ogmend®

Ogmend® Implant Enhancement System; strong, simple, fast fixation in worst-case scenarios

Use Ogmend® like a wall anchor for human bone to achieve strong, simple, fast fixation in compromised fixation scenarios.

Woven Orthopedic Technologies (“Woven”) was founded upon the desire to help make treatments better, easier, more efficient, less expensive, and ultimately more widely accessible to people around the world.

Product Enquiry

The Woven Story

It all started one evening in an operating room, when Dr. Alexander Jones was performing a standard fixation procedure on an elderly patient. During the procedure, Dr. Jones faced a challenge commonly experienced by orthopedic surgeons - his screws and hardware were not engaging the patient's bone adequately to ensure appropriate stability for healing.

Based on his training, Dr. Jones implemented a common technique currently used to enhance fixation. However, he was not thrilled with the remaining risk and was frustrated there wasn't a simple, off-the-shelf solution to rapidly enhance fixation in such a compromised fixation scenario. After the procedure, Dr. Jones began contemplating the blueprints for what would ultimately become the Ogmend® Implant Enhancement System.

The Ogmend® Implant Enhancement System, combines Dr. Jones' concept with today’s precise methods of biopolymer manufacturing to offer surgeons a simple, faster, efficient, less risky, and cost-effective solution to achieve strong fixation in compromised fixation scenarios.

Talk to an expert

Talk to an Orb Medical Specialist about sourcing the Woven Ogmend® for your patients.

Tammy Johns

Sales Manager

Product Enquiry

Going the Distance for Kiwi Kids - 07.24

12 July 2024 | 2 min read
When the stakes are high, teamwork and dedication make all the difference. Here’s how an extraordinary effort ensured a child’s surgery went ahead as planned.